“The Elders have ceased gathering at the gate and the young men from their music.  The joy of our heart has ceased: our dance has turned into mourning.  The crown has fallen from our head, woe to us for we have sinned!” (Lamentation 5:14-16).
This is what happens in any city, state, nation or continent where their elders and prophetic gatekeepers fail to watch over their gates.
Apostolic Elders Motto: Taking the Battles to the Gates.        
The Apostolic Elders are made up of male and female members of the Network, who are at least 50 years and above. They are part of the MPN family and participate in the family meetings. They also have their elders’ forum where they address issues that only elders can address in the land. They could be men or women, serving God either in full time ministry or in different spheres of life. Their roles are outlined below:
  1. Specific Duties
  2. To relate with any government in power with the aim of influencing her positively to
  3. Make godly policies e.g exempting churches/ ministries from levies.
  4. Have cordial relationship with the church        
  5. Monitor the content of our educational curriculum, to ensure that it is not used to teach our children
           what we don’t believe in.
  1. Influence the city, regional, or national church, to have a unified godly voice at all times.
  1. General Duties          
  2. They are God’s contact point in the locations where they reside. (Exodus 3:16-18)
  3. They are God’s earthly witnesses (Exodus 24:9, 11, 19:7).
  4. Provide godly and righteous leadership for the land (Numbers 11:16-25)
  5. Lead in community intercessions (Leviticus 4:13-15).
  6. King makers (2 Kings 23:1; 2 Samuel 5:3)
  7. A rallying point in moments of crisis (Jeremaiah 29:1; Ezekiel 8:1; 14:1, 20; Ezra 5:5, 9; 6:7-8, 14; 10:8)
  8. Forum for resolving conflicts and trying evil cases (Matthew 26:3, 59).
  9. Correct doctrinal errors (Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 23).
  10. Provide spiritual earthly parental covering for the church (1 Peter 5:1-5).
  11. Carry out Spiritual Mapping and keep spiritual surveillance over the land ( John 7:6-7)
  12. Identify and destroy every evil altars, ungodly statutes, idolatrous beliefs, traditions and festivals and establish godly ones (Jeremaiah 1:9-10).
  13. By prayer, call forth into manifestation the redemptive gifts and the hidden blessings and endowments of the land.
  14. Give support to the government in power like it is done in heaven (Revelation 4:10; 11:16; 19:4; 5:8-10).
  15. Identify and take away stumbling stones in the land (Isaiah 62:10).
  16. Give spiritual direction (Ezra 3:10-13).
  17. Develop sound, biblical, generational eldership and leadership to sustain a lasting godly culture.
  18. Provide a pool of wise counselors for all leaders in the city.
  19. Help resolve misunderstandings and conflicts within the cities, states or nations
  20. The Apostolic Elders
  21. The Apostolic Men
  22. The Apostolic Women
  23. The Apostolic Youths