The MPN Apostolic women is the female arm of Ministers Prayer Network. This unit was inaugurated on the 16th through the 19th of June, 2010 during an MPN meeting at Chapel of Redemption, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. They are an essential, inseparable part of the Mpn Family and Global work force, not an autonomous women group. They are made up of born again women, who have totally yielded themselves to the Holy Spirit, to reformat them, to possess Kingdom mind-sets. They are bold, fearless, courageous, broken and selfless, on fire for God, partnering very closely with the Holy Spirit.
Apostolic Women Vision Statement
To provide an apostolic platform for godly women to train, get equipped and be spiritually empowered to excel in all areas of life. Apostolic Women Motto: Frontliners With The Spirit Of Excellence
Apostolic Women’s Goals: We are being trained and groomed to become as follows:
Pioneers, frontliners, pacesetters, trailblazers, pathfinders, forerunners, initiators, builders and establishers, who penetrate walls into places and nations where many people have difficulties getting into. Ephesians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 3:10
Praying women, who pray prayers in its purest, fiery, most passionate and excellent form for getting immediate results. Acts 4:31, 33, Acts 12:5-12, Eph.6:18, James 5:16. They generate a very strong prayer force to facilitate the MPN on-going tasks of Global reformation.
Knowledgeable and great teachers of the word of God. Acts.6:4, 2 Timothy 2:15, Colossians 3:16.
Competent mentors and trainers, who disciple men and women to excel in their areas of calling. 2 Timothy 2:2; 1:5-6; Acts 18:24-28.
Facilitators, resource providers and catalysts, who facilitate Kingdom projects and enhance the needed fast growth of God’s Kingdom. Luke 8:3, Revelation 11:15. They aggressively mobilize men, materials and money to facilitate successful and excellent execution of MPN Vision and assignments, ie: Conferences and projects like the ICC - International Conference Center.
Women of Divine Power, who demonstrate the awesome power of God in their daily lives, with miraculous signs and wonders following. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Acts 5:12, Romans 15:19.
Warriors, God’s battle axes and weapons of war, who liberate those in bondage and war against the kingdom of darkness, to recover lost grounds. 11 Corinthians10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18.
Transformational leaders, who provide high standard and excellent transformational leadership, with a feminine touch and finesse, catalyzing overt positive changes wherever they are. Acts 12:5-11, Luke 1:60; Numbers 27:3-9, 1 Samuel 22:1-2
Women with the Spirit of Excellence, standing out in all areas of their endeavors. Daniel 5:11-14, 6:1-3.
Passionate lovers of Christ, consistent and focused, and also loving one another. John 20:1-13, John 13:35.
Creative women, loaded with skills, abilities and potentials to rule our world
Carriers and Couriers of the Fire of God, who spread it wherever they go. Luke 12:49 psalm 104:4.