The Global Prayerquake annual gathering brings together Christians leaders and their family members from all over the world, to hear prophetic updates and roadmaps from different Christian leaders. It provides an atmosphere for spiritual empowerment, personal supernatural encounters, healings and miracles.
It also provides a platform for personal or family retreat, time of refreshing, sharpening of ministry
focus, and dreaming new dreams. The spiritual atmosphere is unique and saturated with God’s
awesome presence.
For many Christian leaders, this gathering for all these years has provided for them spiritual tonic
for the new year and a good place for networking, partnership, contacting new graces, comparing
notes, tapping into new revelations, and making new friends. Deeper dimensions of ministry are
shared and we are better equipped for ministry for the New Year and beyond.
In the past 30 years, God has led us to well over 70 countries in Africa, Europe, North America, South America and Middle East to start Prayer and Revival fires!!! Over these 30 years, the church has been sensitized globally to give prayer its rightful place in the body of Christ. By the grace of God, Prayer Conferences and Prayer Meetings, both physical and online are bursting with life.
God has helped us survive victoriously fierce attacks and arrows from the kingdom of darkness.
The testimonies of thousands of souls saved, healed, delivered, many raised from the dead and
new ministries birthed by participants of our past conferences are mind boggling. Over these years, we have also tried to ignite in the church a passion for revival and we see the momentum gradually rising to the glory of God.
Global Prayerquake 2025 will be a unique landmark. The theme is GOD’S SOLID FOUNDATION (2Timothy 2:19 NIV).
Every current imposing and impressive political, economic and cultural structure and foundation of the world must surely collapse. Only God’s Solid Foundation would last forever. Today, we witness on a daily basis, breathtaking, very rapid changes in the spiritual, cultural, political, economic, and technological landscapes, with amazing significant shifts in the way everything is done. We are in a volatile, precarious, and ambiguous season. We are facing a sophisticated gospel-resistant world. We all need help to
breakthrough and to keep moving forward. That’s why you need to attend this conference.
Schools of Ministry will be organized to give deep insights into the way forward in Politics, Business opportunities, Practical steps to systematic church growth and more.
Below is a summary of key details:
Theme : GOD’S SOLID FOUNDATION (2 Timothy 2:19) Date: January 5 to 10, 2025. Venue: International Convention Centre (ICC) (GILGAL), Obuzor-Asa, Km 12, Port Harcourt-Aba Express Way, Ukwa West, LGA, Abia State. Registration: FREE Accommodation: Hostel – ₦8,000 for six(6) nights. Executive Hostels – ₦10,000 for six nights. Hotels outside the Camp: from ₦8500 and above for a room per night. For rooms within the Camp, please call Pastor Blessing @ 08034709941. At 4:00pm on Sunday January 5, 2024, we shall open the Global Prayerquake Conference
with earth quaking prayers and celebration worship Rally. It will be awesome and worth
every sacrifice made to be there. It will be most refreshing for you and your family. Men,
women and youths are all welcome. Don’t be left out.